May 2016 is National Stroke Awareness Month. A stroke occurs when the flow of blood to the brain is interrupted. The causes of stroke are relatively few, but the damage can cause a wide variety of problems. Whether you are a resident of a rehab facility or recovering at home from a stroke, Allegiance Home Health’s trained stroke recovery specialists can provide the support you and your family require during and after a stroke.

Why devote a month to stroke awareness?

  • In the United States, someone is having a stroke every 40 seconds.
  • For every minute that a stroke goes untreated, nearly 2 million brain cells die.
  • Stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term disability.

According to the Stroke Association of Florida in partnership with the Sarasota County Aging Network (SCAN), 80 percent of strokes are preventable. When a stroke does occur, there is a good chance that it can be treated.

Finding a stroke-savvy home health agency in Florida

If you or a member of your family in South Florida has recently had a stroke, or if you are one of the the one in three Americans with high blood pressure, the top controllable risk factor for stroke, you may be looking for a home health agency you can trust to employ stroke specialists who look beyond medical care and who work with the entire family.

The aftermath of a stroke is a terrifying period for both the patient and their family. Particularly in the early days, there may be difficulties with communication and maintaining normal social interactions. Caregivers may feel ‘trapped,’ especially if they have had to give up a job or a career that is personally and/or financially rewarding for them.

The good news is that, although lost brain cells can never be replaced, a brain that is properly cared for can establish new connections among the remaining neurons. Functions that are temporarily lost may be restored.

The best possible outcome for recovery from a stroke involves the input from a multidisciplinary team that includes:

Make sure your stroke recovery team includes all of the specialists necessary for the medical recovery of the patient and for the physical, emotional and practical needs of the entire family.