5 out of 5 Stars!

Medicare Certified Home Health Agencies are rated by Medicare. Medicare’s rating is based on patient outcomes. Families can use these ratings to more easily compare Home Health Agencies using a 5-Star scale, with more stars indicating better quality care.

Similar to hotel or restaurant ratings, Home Health Agencies are given a score of 1 to 5 Stars, with 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest ranking among peers. The majority of agencies nationwide and in the state of Florida received 3 or 3.5 Star ratings. As a 5-Star agency, Allegiance Home Health performed better than 95% of other Medicare Certified Home Health Agencies.

We are proud of our 5-Star rating and grateful for the opportunity to provide legendary care for all of our current and future patients!

Allegiance Home Health is a full service home health agency that truly cares about its patients, providing each client with not only physical care, but also the emotional and intellectual stimulation to help them retain a real connection to their lives.

Call 561-367-0711 today for 5-Star care!