The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that community dwelling seniors account for 20% of all pressure ulcers – more than 600,000 cases per year. By utilizing Allegiance Home Health & Rehab, physicians and families can effectively manage pressure ulcers at home, without costly institutionalization. In fact, many physicians prefer intervention in the home setting where pressure sores first developed, because a direct assessment of the home environment should be most likely be to prevent recurrences.

Most patients presenting with even a stage 1 pressure sore will qualify for home health services. When community dwelling patients develop pressure sores, expert guidelines created by the American Medical Directors Association call for a long and comprehensive educational program for patients and families. Refer to Allegiance for patient and caregiver education about management and prevention of pressure ulcers.

Allegiance Patient / Caregiver Education
Includes These Topics:

  • Skin assessment
  • Transfer techniques, repositioning techniques
  • Skin care
  • Nutrition & Hydration
  • Risk assessment and understanding danger areas
  • Proper positioning (sitting, lying, reclining)
  • Scheduling repositions
  • Personal hygiene
  • Evaluation and management of incontinence
  • Use of pressure relieving devices

Other Nursing Services: In addition to extensive patient and caregiver education, nurses can provide effective and safe wound care and monitor sores. Medicare also shows that, compared to other agencies in Florida, your patients with Allegiance are 10% more likely to achieve wound healing. Allegiance will also coordinate the acquisition of new equipment such as pressure relieving devices and lifts.

Mobility Rehabilitation: The AHCPR’s practice guidelines regarding pressure ulcers state: “If potential for improving mobility and activity exists, rehabilitation efforts should be instituted…” With the physician’s authorization, a physical therapist from Allegiance will evaluate your patient to determine his or her rehab potential. Our physical therapist will implement a customized home exercise program designed to provide long-term mobility improvements.

A National Leader in Incontinence Rehabilitation: Data from the CDC shows that patients with incontinence prove 71% more likely to develop skin lesions. With our exclusive extracorporeal magnetic innervation technology and a well-developed incontinence rehabilitation program, our patients are 28% more likely to improve bladder control compared to both state and national standards.

Please refer Allegiance for pressure ulcers, incontinence rehabilitation, other wound care, and other home health cases.