You were both younger. You had physical attraction. They made you laugh. There was some type of strange chemical spark. You fell in love.

Now their body is falling apart. We aren’t referring to the natural aging process. We all get wrinkles. Our skin and hair show its age. Chances are you’ve both lost at least one battle with gravity. You expected this. You maybe even looked forward to growing old together.

But now, the person you love has to struggle. Disability or disease has taken away something physical or something cognitive. The person that you are growing old with has changed in a way you didn’t anticipate.

Caring for a spouse can certainly be challenging and definitely can be difficult on your relationship. No amount of love or loyalty can prevent the change.

Allegiance Home Health can help you and your spouse during this time of need. By helping them compensate for their disability or illness, it allows you to care for them in the way you always have and love them for the things they still hold onto.

Chronic disease such as diabetes or congestive heart failure can impact both your lives.

Physical disability such as Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson ’s disease can rob you both of energy.

Alzheimer’s and other dementia can be frustrating and depressing to both spouses.

It’s times like these when getting your spouse the help they need can allow you to achieve your original dream of simply growing old together.

Please call Allegiance Home Health if the person you love needs extra support.